
We are pleased to advise that a feature is now available to sign up and receive alerts when there is an update to the Prohibition Orders page of the Commission website. Those who sign up will receive a direct email alert every time a new or updated order is posted.

The Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner has the power to issue prohibition orders regarding unregistered disability workers. A prohibition order stops a person from being able to lawfully practice as a disability worker or requires that they can only work if certain conditions are met. The Commissioner can make a prohibition order if they are satisfied that it is necessary to avoid a serious risk to the life, health, safety or welfare of a person or the health, safety or welfare of the public.

For people with a disability, their families and carers, receiving these alerts will provide an added layer of confidence in the disability sector by ensuring they are aware of any worker who has been banned from working by the Commissioner.

For service providers and employers, the introduction of this automatic alert feature ensures they receive the most current information about a disability worker who has been prohibited from working in Victoria and can quickly and efficiently determine if this means anything for their organisation.

For the wider community, timely access to these updates means those people who have been found to be a risk are easily identified. This another big step towards a stronger and safer disability sector in Victoria.

Signing up to receive these alerts assists the Commission in their work to exercise and implement the Disability Services Safeguards Act, which aims to improve the quality of disability care and service standards in the community.

For more information on prohibition orders and to sign up for updates, please visit