
Royal Commission hears Victoria’s regulatory scheme promotes a safe, quality workforce. 

Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner Dan Stubbs today appeared at the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, highlighting that Victoria is leading the way in better protections for people who use disability services and promoting a high-quality workforce.

Commissioner Dan Stubbs said that the Disability Service Safeguards Code of Conduct covers all disability workers in Victoria, not just NDIS funded workers.

“A large proportion of disability workers across Australia are not part of the NDIS. The VDWC regulates the conduct of all disability workers in Victoria and exists to stop people who pose a serious risk of harm from providing disability services.

“It’s important that people with disability feel safe with their disability worker and sharing a concern or making a complaint can help improve the standard of disability workers and quality of care for everyone. We work with you or your advocate to achieve quality and safe services,” he said.

Cases of abuse and neglect in the sector being heard at the Royal Commission demonstrate how vital it is for people with disability to be confident that all disability workers are safe, skilled and professional.

The Victorian Disability Worker Commission (VDWC) and Disability Worker Registration Board of Victoria were established to deliver better safeguards for the sector. Introduced in July 2021, Victoria is also the only state that has a scheme to register disability workers.

The joint submission to the Royal Commission by the VDWC and the Board highlights their important role in making the disability sector an attractive place to work and how Victoria leads the nation in protecting the rights of people with disability.

Regulation of workers in Victoria is the first of its kind in Australia which comprehensively and directly promotes quality and safety for all users of disability services. The VDWC works well and closely with other workforce regulators.

“Registration helps attract workers to the sector and also promotes respect and recognition for the important work they do. Ensuring the safety of Victorians with disability is incredibly important – that’s why a registered disability workforce improves the safety and quality of disability care and service standards across the community,” Commissioner Stubbs said.

Further information and the VDWC and Board submission is available at the VDWC website

Media Contact: Kirsten Howe 0436 310 415 |